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HomeFinishing Strong Award

Finishing Strong Award

The goals of the Finishing Strong Award are to encourage conversations and discussions about end-of-life issues, create programs that other villages across the nation can emulate, and expand the long-term impact of our area villages. WAVE member villages submit proposals for programs to achieve these goals. The $5,000 award may be shared among up to three submissions if that seems merited. The Finishing Strong Award was generously funded by Chris Palmer and Gail Shearer, of Bethesda, Maryland.

The application period will open on September 11 for the 2025 Finishing Strong Award.

Application Deadline: November 18, 2024

Click here to access the 2025 Finishing Strong Award application.

Click here to access the Zoom recording from the September 11 Finishing Strong Award Info Session.

2024 Finishing Strong Award Recipients:

Waterfront Village, Washington, DC, will offer three “Be Prepared and Get Ready” programs. First, they will give all their members a critical organizing document called the "Just in Case" plan. This will help members share critical information with their next-of-kin regarding their finances, their online platforms, and their devices. Second, a guest from the DC Department of Unified Communications will speak to their group zoom to help members understand the documents and personal items that ease the experience of emergency hospitalization. Finally, they will host a two-part writing workshop, based on the book "Four Things that Matter Most," where members can think through some of the relationships in their lives and how they want to leave these relationships. The village was awarded $1,200 for their project. For more information, contact Pam Troutman, Executive Director,

Valley Village, Harrisonburg, Virginia, will offer Death Cafés for all members. A Death Cafe is an open, small-group discussion about death and dying designed to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives; and to share, hear, and explore one’s own and others’ ideas about death. The Cafes will be facilitated by a professional trained specifically for the event. All members will be encouraged to participate through an awareness raising program and invitations. The village was awarded $1,080 to carry out their program. For more information, contact Lorie Merrow, Board President,

Northwest Neighbors Connecting, Baltimore, Maryland, will offer a new series of discussions called BMore Prepared. These classes will include the guidance of an estate planner to provide practical assistance in making hard decisions, a chaplain to guide members through the emotional and spiritual feelings of leaving a legacy, and a social worker/educator to help pull it all together. The village was awarded $1,000. For more information, contact Anne Shimanovich, Aging in Community Program Director,

For more information on end of life programs and issues:


Creating and Leading a Village Mutual Support Group on Aging, Dying and Death -- June 13, 2022.
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #1, March 14, 2023
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #1 Chat
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #2, May 4, 2023
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #2 Chat
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #3 June 8, 2023
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Workshop #3 Chat

Documents and Handouts
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Notes for Workshop #1
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Notes for Workshop #2
Developing Village Programs on Aging, Dying and Death -- Notes for Workshop #3
Creating and Leading a Village Shared Interest Group (SIG) on Aging, Death, and Dying
How to Write a Legacy Letter (Ethical Will)
Hospice Care
Green Burials
Advance Care Planning
Chris Palmer's End-of-Life Letters to Family and Ethical Will


Washington Area Villages Exchange
P.O. Box 7464
Alexandria, VA 22307-0464