We know of 81 villages in the WAVE region; some are operating while others are in various stages of development.
Of these, 17 are in Washington D.C., 43 in Maryland, 20 in Virginia and 1 in West Virginia.
The list of all known villages and a map of their locations are below (WAVE member villages are in boldface). A full list of WAVE members can be found on About:
WAVE Member Villages.
Go to the
Directory of all Villages to see a list of villages with contact information.
All Known Villages in the WAVE Region
District of Columbia
West Virginia
Local Government Village Contacts
- District of Columbia. Laura Newland, Director, Department of Aging and Community Living. 500 K Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. (202) 724-5626. dacl.dc.gov/service/villages.
- Fairfax, Virginia. Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood & Community Services, 12011 Government Cetner Pkwy, 9th floor, Fairfax, VA 22035. Season Zellman, MPA - Long Term Care Program Development Coordinator. Office 703-246-8962, Cell 571-460-8874 - Season.Zellman@fairfaxcounty.gov. Fairfax County webpage for villages is www.fairfaxcounty.gov/health/neighbor
- Montgomery County, Maryland. Pazit Aviv, MSW, Village Coordinator, Office of Aging and Disability Services. 240-777-1231. Pazit.Aviv@montgomerycountymd.gov
- Rockville, Maryland. Rockville Area Villages Exchange. Anne Herbster, President. Cell 240-274-3955. amherbster@gmail.com
Below is a small version of an interactive google map of the villages in WAVE. They are listed by jurisdication then alphabetical.
If you click on a marker or name on the list it will show the name and location of the Village and contact information. Blue markers are operating villages and red ones are in development.
On this map if you scroll up or down with your mouse scroll wheel, you can expand or contract the map. If you hold down your left mouse, you can move the map around.
If you go to the full size WAVE map you can see a list of villages as well as the map, where you will be able to see the information more clearly.