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Your dues enable us to provide educational programming and mutual support sessions that help every village get to its own “best next level.” Our quarterly meetings and other programming garner high attendance and accolades from participants. WAVE welcomes villages or other organizations and individuals as members. Annual dues are just $35!
Member Village Benefits.
  • Member villages may receive one-on-one coaching on any challenging issue they may be facing or good ideas for future steps. Visit our Mentoring and Mutual Support Program.
  • WAVE members may list their public events on the Shared Calendar for wider participation. 
  • WAVE village members may be nominated for the Founders Award, which recognizes villages for outstanding programs or services and includes a $1000 prize and widespread promotion of the winners.
To check whether your village or organization is already a member, go to WAVE Member Villages.  To join WAVE, go to Member Sign Up.
Washington Area Villages Exchange
P.O. Box 7464
Alexandria, VA 22307-0464