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Beyond the Presidential Candidates: Why Cognitive Check-ups Should Be Part of Everyone's Health Rout

Speakers: Maria Thomas, MBA, MHCI; Kelly Gorden O'Connell, MSN, MBA; Sarah Borchelt, MSN of Sunday Health

We're all familiar with routine health checks like mammograms, colonoscopies, and blood pressure tests. But what about a check-up for your brain? While cognitive tests have recently gained attention due to the presidential election, they're an often-overlooked yet crucial part of preventive healthcare.

Cognitive tests aren't just for presidential candidates – they're valuable for all older adults. Join us to learn:

1. Why cognitive assessments are important for everyone
2. How these tests are conducted
3. What information they provide
4. How understanding your cognitive health can empower you

Discover how cognitive screenings can help you take control of your brain health, regardless of whether you're running for office or simply running errands.

Host Village: Northwest Neighbors Village
Limited to 100.
Registration is required by 9/3/2024
Zoom link will be sent to registrants after registration.
Tuesday, September 03, 2024, 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Event Contact NNV
Village Events
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Washington Area Villages Exchange
P.O. Box 7464
Alexandria, VA 22307-0464