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Virtual Speaker Series: Who Owns the Moon?
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About this event
Speaker: Cynthia Levinson
Between 1969 and 1972, twelve Americans walked on the Moon. Then, lunar landings ended so we could focus on other missions, especially the International Space Station. But now, America is heading back to the Moon. And we aren’t alone. Chinese taikonauts as well as private corporations are also engaged in the quest. And, everyone has their eye on the same small piece of real estate—the lunar south pole. What is so appealing about this region? How will everyone get along there? Are there laws governing behavior? Cynthia will address some of the technologies, history, laws, and policies involved in off-Earth travel.
Winner of the Robert F. Sibert Medal and many other accolades, Cynthia Levinson writes nonfiction books for young readers, including Fault Lines in the Constitution with her husband, Sanford, and The Youngest Marcher. A former educator, she is drawn to topics in history, law and policy with an emphasis on social justice. Who Owns the Moon? grew out of her curiosity about space law and international cooperation. She divides her time between Austin and Boston. More about Cynthia on her website -
Host Village: Northwest Neighbors Village
Limited to 100.
Registration is required by February 6th.
Zoom link will be sent to registrants after registration.
Registration Info
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