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HomeCalendarParallel Narratives Never Meet: History of the Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine/Israel

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Parallel Narratives Never Meet: History of the Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine/Israel

About this event

Palestinians and Israelis each have a national narrative in which the Arab-Jewish conflict plays a critical part. These narratives are the histories that are taught in the schools and reflected in the media, literature, art, and personal discourse in the two societies. The two narratives are dramatically different in content, yet each is understood to be the whole truth by most people in each society. We will talk about how that history is depicted in the Israeli and in Palestinian narratives. The talk will be augmented by slides and followed by a spirited group discussion.

Date and Time

Thursday, February 16, 2023, 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM


Potomac Community Center
11315 Falls Road
Potomac, MD  20854

Event Contact(s)

Sheila Taylor


Village Events

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