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HomeCalendarTurning Trash into Vegetables: Techniques for Composting Food Waste with Benny Erez

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Turning Trash into Vegetables: Techniques for Composting Food Waste with Benny Erez

About this event

Presented by the Greater Stonegate Village

Join GSV and sustainable farmer Benny Erez as he discusses the principles, techniques, & benefits of composting food waste. Benny considers the utilization of composting to be one of the key elements in food security and sustainability for the 21st century. In his current position as Senior Technical Advisor at the non-profit organization ECO City Farms, he runs the composting effort and teaches composting to college students, interns, and the public at large.

Born and raised on a kibbutz (communal farm) in Israel, he moved to the US in 1974 and is a graduate of the University of Maryland in College Park and of the Controlled Microbial Compost Course in Austria. He has 28 years of experience at the University of Maryland’s Research and Education Center (CMREC), where he conducted animal science research. In that capacity, he designed and managed the CMREC Composting Facility and taught practical techniques in composting for the Better Composting School of Maryland. Before taking his current position at ECO city farms he spent a year abroad carrying out research on composting with the Technical University of Munich in Germany and paid extended visits to several composting enterprises in Germany and Austria. His experience spans the range of composting techniques including windrow, aerated pile, static pile, and vermiculture composting.

Zoom information will be sent out the day before the event.

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Amanda Gallagher


Village Events

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