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HomeCalendarThe Truth Behind The Pictures - with White House photographer Christy Bowe

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The Truth Behind The Pictures - with White House photographer Christy Bowe

About this event

Christy Bowe,&#160;one of the few women still photographers who has covered five consecutive White House&#160;administrations, will give a riveting lecture showcasing some of her award winning pictures and the behind the scenes stories that took place while capturing them.<br /><br />Christy, a member of the White House Press Corps, is currently covering the Biden White House and is also a credentialed member of the House and Senate Press Photographers’ Gallery.<br /><br />Her book, EYES THAT SPEAK: One Woman News Photographer’s Journey with History Makers (available for purchase at Politics and Prose or Amazon) captures&#160;some of the world&#39;s most recognizable people/events against the backdrops of historical occurrences, pivotal moments and celebratory occasions, including:<br />•An eyewitness account during the events of January 6th 2021 at<br />the U.S. Capitol<br />•The Inaugurations of five U. S. Presidents and the changes that<br />take place in covering new administrations at The White House<br />•The Confirmation Hearings of eight U. S. Supreme Court<br />Justices<br />•The ins and outs of covering U.S Presidential Impeachments<br />•Behind the scenes pictures and stories from the coverage of<br />Royalty, Popes and some of the legendary movie stars and Rock and Rollers of our time<br /><br />See a sneak peak here<br /><br />Open to all village members and friends and neighbors. RSVP to for the Zoom link.

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Elizabeth Haile


Village Events

Registration Info

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Washington Area Villages Exchange
P.O. Box 7464
Alexandria, VA 22307-0464