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The Washington Area Villages Exchange (WAVE) brings together nonprofit villages in the wider Washington DC region to learn and grow by sharing experiences and ideas. These grass-roots, volunteer-driven villages embody the concept of neighbor helping neighbor to thrive at home and in their communities as they age. Through diverse educational programming and networking opportunities, WAVE strengthens and promotes developing and established villages and helps build momentum for the nationwide village movement. Encompassing villages in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia as well as Washington, DC, WAVE is the largest regional village organization in the nation.

WAVE Events & Social Activities

In addition to our own events, WAVE is happy to publicize social, educational, and cultural events hosted by our member villages. Each event is hosted and managed by an individual village and is open to anyone in the WAVE region. See the calendar for events.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events


Volunteer-provided programs, services, and social and educational activities help older adults remain safe and independent in their homes and connected in their communities. 

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WAVE has identified 79 villages, open or in development, across Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

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WAVE offers a variety of programs and events for leaders of new or established villages and others interested in helping individuals thrive in their homes and communities.

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WAVE maintains a list of resources for village leadership and others who focus on aging in place, such as research and other reports, as well as for individuals, such as planning for aging transitions.

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Washington Area Villages Exchange
P.O. Box 7464
Alexandria, VA 22307-0464